11 research outputs found

    A systematic exploration of uncertainty in interactive systems

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    Uncertainty is an inherent part of our everyday life. Humans have to deal with uncertainty every time they make a decision. The importance of uncertainty additionally increases in the digital world. Machine learning and predictive algorithms introduce statistical uncertainty to digital information. In addition, the rising number of sensors in our surroundings increases the amount of statistically uncertain data, as sensor data is prone to measurement errors. Hence, there is an emergent need for practitioners and researchers in Human-Computer Interaction to explore new concepts and develop interactive systems able to handle uncertainty. Such systems should not only support users in entering uncertainty in their input, but additionally present uncertainty in a comprehensible way. The main contribution of this thesis is the exploration of the role of uncertainty in interactive systems and how novel input and output methods can support researchers and designers to efficiently and clearly communicate uncertainty. By using empirical methods of Human-Computer Interaction and a systematic approach, we present novel input and output methods that support the comprehensive communication of uncertainty in interactive systems. We further integrate our results in a simulation tool for end-users. Based on related work, we create a systematic overview of sources of uncertainty in interactive systems to support the quantification of uncertainty and identify relevant research areas. The overview can help practitioners and researchers to identify uncertainty in interactive systems and either reduce or communicate it. We then introduce new concepts for the input of uncertain data. We enhance standard input controls, develop specific slider controls and tangible input controls, and collect physiological measurements. We also compare different representations for the output of uncertainty to make recommendations for their usage. Furthermore, we analyze how humans interpret uncertain data und make suggestions on how to avoid misinterpretation and statistically wrong judgements. We embed the insights gained from the results of this thesis in an end-user simulation tool to make it available for future research. The tool is intended to be a starting point for future research on uncertainty in interactive systems and foster communicating uncertainty and building trust in the system. Overall, our work shows that user interfaces can be enhanced to effectively support users with the input and output of statistically uncertain information

    Investigating conflicts of interests between stakeholders of public display app stores

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    Public displays showing static content such as news and advertisement are very common, but are often ignored of users expecting them to show uninteresting content. Although applications showing dynamic content which could reduce the display blindness exist, distribution channels and concepts for successfully moderating user-generated content on public displays are still missing. We developed an app store for public displays and analyzed six potential moderation strategies for, in particular, user-generated content. To do this, we conducted an online survey. Survey participants mostly specified that content moderation is necessary and preferred a reactive moderation strategy. Moreover, they expected their messages to appear instantly. Therefore, we developed the UniDisplay application and did an in-the-wild-deployment to investigate the impacts of moderation delays on user behavior. We conducted data and content analyses, observations, a survey and interviews with users of our application. Hence, we can show that already a short delay time of messages (90 seconds) may confuse users and that the delay time is not the only strong factor for posting to a display. On this basis, we built a theoretical concept for integrating content moderation in public display app stores. In the long term, understanding the impacts of moderation strategies for public displays will help to build trust between different stakeholders such as display owners and users. In addition, it will cause public display content to become more dynamic and therefore more interesting for the users.Displays im öffentlichen Raum, die statischen Inhalt wie z.B. Nachrichten oder Werbung anzeigen, sind weit verbreitet. Sie werden jedoch sehr oft von Benutzern ignoriert, da diese erwarten, dass nur uninteressanter Inhalt angezeigt wird. Obwohl bereits Anwendungen existieren, die dynamischen Inhalt anzeigen und damit die Aufmerksamkeit der Benutzer erhöhen könnten, fehlen Plattformen zur Verteilung der Anwendungen und Konzepte für die erfolgreiche Moderation von dynamischem Inhalt auf öffentlichen Displays. Wir entwickelten einen App Store für öffentliche Displays und analysierten sechs potentielle Moderationsstrategien, insbesondere für nutzergenerierten Inhalt. Wir führten außerdem eine Online-Umfrage durch. Die Teilnehmer gaben mehrheitlich an, dass Inhaltsmoderation notwendig ist und bevorzugten eine reaktive Moderationsstrategie. Außerdem erwarteten sie, dass Nachrichten sofort auf dem Display erscheinen. Des Weiteren entwickelten wir das UniDisplay und führten Daten- und Inhaltsanalysen, Beobachtungen, eine Umfrage und Interviews mit den Benutzern unserer Anwendung durch. Wir zeigen, dass bereits eine kurze Verzögerungszeit der Nachrichten (90 Sekunden) für Verwirrung bei den Benutzern sorgen kann und dass die Verzögerungszeit nicht der einzige Faktor ist, der beim Veröffentlichen einer Nachricht relevant ist. Auf dieser Basis entwickelten wir ein theoretisches Konzept wie Inhaltsmoderation in App Stores für öffentliche Displays integriert werden kann. Auf lange Sicht wird das Verständnis über die Auswirkungen verschiedener Moderationsstrategien auf Displays dazu beitragen, dass das Vertrauen zwischen den verschiedenen Interessengruppen wie Displaybesitzern und Benutzern wächst. Zusätzlich hilft das Verständnis dabei, dass der Inhalt von öffentlichen Displays dynamischer und damit auch interessanter für die Benutzer wird

    Systemanalyse und Workflowverwaltung eines Frameworks für Cache-effiziente adaptive Simulation

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    Dieses Dokument stellt die Ausarbeitung der Fachstudie "Systemanalyse und Workflowverwaltung eines Frameworks für cache-effiziente adaptive Simulation" dar, welche von Mai bis Oktober 2011 stattfand. Die Abteilung "Simulation großer Systeme" des Instituts für Parallele und Verteilte Systeme forscht derzeit an der Entwicklung eines Frameworks für eine effiziente Berechnung von fluiden Strömungen durch poröse Medien. Dabei wurde der Ansatz der Gitterberechnung nach Sierpinski gewählt und das Framework soweit funktionsfähig implementiert. Dieses System enthält jedoch noch Schwachstellen die mit Hilfe dieser Fachstudie behoben werden sollten. Die Fachstudie ist in zwei Teile gegliedert. Der erste Teil umfasst die Analyse des gegebenen Frameworks mitsamt allen Hilfsmitteln, den eingesetzten Programmiersprachen und Werkzeugen. Des Weiteren sollte dabei der angewandte Simulationsprozess selbst mit den im gegebenen System verwendeten Konzepten und Methoden beschrieben werden, um die Problematik des Systems vollständig erfassen zu können. Hierbei sollte ein Nachbau des Systems in einer beliebigen Programmiersprache erfolgen. Der zweite Teil der Fachstudie umfasst Lösungsansätze für die Problematiken des Systems anhand selbst entworfener Prototypen. Mögliche Lösungsansätze sind Präprozessor-Anweisungen, ein Python-Skript und die Erstellung einer Workflow-GUI. Dabei soll das bestehende System nicht ersetzt, sondern dessen Bedienung erleichtert werden. Diese Lösungsansätze sollten untersucht, beschrieben und anschließend mit dem bestehenden System bzw. mit den anderen Lösungsansätzen verglichen werden. Das Ergebnis ist eine Empfehlung des bestmöglichen Lösungsansatzes. Dieses Dokument ist in 5 Kapitel gegliedert. Nach dem Einleitungskapitel befasst sich das darauffolgende zweite Kapitel mit der Analyse des gegebenen Systems. Hierbei werden die Methoden des Simulationsprozesses, die Einsatzgebiete und die eingesetzten Werkzeuge beschrieben. Am Ende dieses Kapitels wird die Problematik des bestehenden Systems geschildert und der Nachbau beschrieben. Das dritte Kapitel beschreibt die verschiedenen Ansätze zur Lösung der beschriebenen Problematik. Die drei Lösungsansätze sind Präprozessor-Anweisungen, ein Python-Skript zur Codegenerierung und eine Workflow-GUI. Anschließend werden diese Lösungsansätze bezüglich verschiedener Qualitäten wie Wartbarkeit, Einfachheit, Erlernbarkeit usw. verglichen. Aus diesen Informationen folgt im letzten Kapitel das Fazit, welches eine Empfehlung über die zu wählende Methode gibt

    Perfil antropométrico e a relação da flexibilidade com a dor e desconforto em trabalhadores da indústria de Santa Cruz do Sul – RS

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    Trabalhadores industriários estão expostos a diversas situações que podem agravar a sua saúde. A promoção da saúde no trabalho é de extrema importância e exige intervenção interdisciplinar. Objetivo: identificar o perfil antropométrico e a relação de flexibilidade com a presença de dor e desconforto em trabalhadores da indústria do município de Santa Cruz do Sul, RS. Método: Trata-se de um estudo transversal com trabalhadores industriários. Na avaliação antropométrica foram analisados índice de massa corporal e percentual de gordura, já para a flexibilidade foram realizados os testes do manguito rotador e sentar e alcançar. A dor e desconforto foi identificada através de uma figura do corpo humano onde eles referiam estes sintomas. Resultados: a maioria dos industriários apresentam excesso de peso (56,4%) e bom percentual de gordura (49,2%), porém possuem resultados inadequados de flexibilidade de ombro (71,0%) e parte posterior de tronco e pernas (64,6%) e presença de dor e desconforto em ombros (50%) e costas (26,6%). Ao relacionar a flexibilidade com a presença de dor e desconforto, percebe-se que as variáveis não se relacionam diretamente. Considerações finais: o perfil dos trabalhadores da indústria se caracteriza por excesso de peso, baixa aptidão na flexibilidade e presença de dor e desconforto. Sobre a dor e desconforto observa-se uma tendência de associação entre níveis de flexibilidade inadequada e a presença destes sintomas

    INTERACT 2015 Adjunct Proceedings. 15th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 14-18 September 2015, Bamberg, Germany

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    INTERACT is among the world’s top conferences in Human-Computer Interaction. Starting with the first INTERACT conference in 1990, this conference series has been organised under the aegis of the Technical Committee 13 on Human-Computer Interaction of the UNESCO International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). This committee aims at developing the science and technology of the interaction between humans and computing devices. The 15th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2015 took place from 14 to 18 September 2015 in Bamberg, Germany. The theme of INTERACT 2015 was "Connection.Tradition.Innovation". This volume presents the Adjunct Proceedings - it contains the position papers for the students of the Doctoral Consortium as well as the position papers of the participants of the various workshops

    VIS Media Informatics Group Italiana

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    Public displays have advanced from isolated and non interactive ”ad ” displays which show images and videos to displays that are networked, interactive, and open to a wide variety of content and applications. Prior work has shown large potential of user-generated content on public displays. However, one of the problems with user-generated content on public displays is moderation as content may be explicit or troublesome for a particular location. In this work we explore the expectations of users with regard to content moderation on public displays. An online survey revealed that people not only think that display content should be moderated but also that a delay of up to 10 minutes is acceptable if display content is moderated. In a subsequent in the wild deployment we compared different moderation delays. We found that a moderation delay significantly decreases the number of usergenerated posts while at the same time there is no significant effect on users ’ decision to repeatedly post on the display

    Extending Input Space of Tangible Dials and Sliders for Uncertain Input

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    International audienceUncertainty is common when working with data and becomes more important as processing big data gains attention. However, no standard tangible interface element exists for inputting uncertain data. In this article, we extend the input space of two traditional TUIs: dial and slider. We present five designs that are based on dials and sliders and support uncertain input. We conduct focus group interviews to evaluate the designs. The interviews allow us to extend existing design requirements for parameter control UIs to support uncertain input

    Mercury:an application store for open display networks

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    As the cost of display hardware falls so the number of public display networks being deployed is increasing rapidly. While these networks have traditionally taken the form of digital signage used for advertising and information there is increasing interest in the vision of "open display networks". A key component of any open display network is an effective channel for disseminating applications created by third-parties and recent research has proposed a display-oriented "application store" as one such channel [5]. In this paper we present a critical analysis of the requirements and design of display application stores -- providing insights designed to help the implementers of future application stores

    Demo:an ecosystem for open display networks

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    While traditional displays networks are typically closed systems, researchers are now beginning to explore the notion of open display networks in which content can be obtained from a wide range of sources. Open display networks have very different properties to closed networks as they need to deal with multiple management domains and conflicting content and scheduling requirements from different stakeholders. A key challenge is to provide an appropriate software infrastructure to support openness at all stages (e.g. content distribution, schedule creation, media playback). In this work we demonstrate a suite of software components that together provide a comprehensive eco-system for open pervasive display networks